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Rogers Calls for Chairman Thompson, DHS to Coordinate Date for Nielsen Testimony

January 30, 2019

Rogers Calls for Chairman Thompson, DHS to Coordinate Date for Nielsen Testimony

Ranking Member Suggests Chairman, Secretary Find Agreeable Date Next Month

WASHINGTON — House Homeland Security Committee Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) today urged Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) to work with Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to find a mutually agreeable time for her to testify before the committee in February, after Thompson announced a hearing scheduled for next week.

[I]t is imperative the American public hear directly from Secretary Nielsen on her plan for border security, as opposed to scheduling a hearing we know isn t possible, said Rogers in a letter to Thompson.

The text of the letter can be found below:

Dear Chairman Thompson

I am writing to follow up on a hearing you have officially noticed for February 6, 2019. I am uncertain of all the facts here, because I was not consulted in the scheduling of the aforementioned hearing, but It is my understanding that Secretary Nielsen has relayed to you that she cannot attend on that date but is willing to appear before the Committee by the end of February. I hope you can work together with Secretary Nielsen to find a mutually agreed upon date in February.

I share your vigor for fulfilling the Committee s constitutional duty of performing oversight of the Department of Homeland Security and the policies they enact. In that vein, I believe it is imperative the American public hear directly from Secretary Nielsen on her plan for border security, as opposed to scheduling a hearing we know isn’t possible.


Contact: Nicole Hager